Disclosing a Prior or Pending Disciplinary Action or Felony

As a condition of enrollment, all admitted applicants are asked Ohio State's Community Enrollment Question when they log in to accept admission. This question asks students if they have any prior or pending academic or behavioral misconduct charges or felonies to disclose. Answering yes to the question is not an automatic bar to enrollment. Ohio State reviews each case holistically and seeks to understand the context of each student's situation.

The process for all admitted students:

  1. When prompted, log in to your Applicant Center to accept your admission. You will be asked to answer a question regarding disciplinary and felony history called the Community Enrollment Question.


    • Been found responsible for academic or behavioral misconduct at an educational institution you attended from the 9th grade forward that resulted in disciplinary action, or is disciplinary action or investigation currently pending against you? These actions could include but are not limited to: suspension, dismissal or expulsion from the institution.
    • Applicant exceptions:

      • Do not disclose low GPA academic violations.
      • Do not disclose high school detentions or in-school suspensions.
      • Applicants to a graduate program or Optometry-OD: Do not disclose high school violations (suspensions or expulsions).


    • Pled guilty to or been convicted of a felony, or is any felony charge currently pending against you? You are not required to answer yes to this question if the criminal adjudication or conviction has been expunged, sealed, annulled, pardoned, destroyed, erased, impounded or otherwise ordered by a court to be kept confidential.


  2. If you answer yes to the question, your enrollment is put on hold. You are asked to complete the Disciplinary Action and Felony Disclosure Form, including a personal statement that describes the situation fully. Following the instructions on the form, you are asked to submit your documentation using our document uploader within two weeks of answering "yes" to the question.
  3. Failure to provide complete, accurate and truthful information will be grounds to revoke your offer of admission and/or cancel your enrollment.
  4. The University Community Enrollment Review Committee (UCERC) reviews your documentation and notifies you of their decision through email. Applicants who are cleared for enrollment may return to the Applicant Center to continue the admission acceptance process.

Frequently asked questions

1. How long does the UCERC review process take?

On average, the UCERC review process takes between 4 to 8 weeks once all documentation has been received from the student.

2. Should I submit information related to any previous misdemeanors?

The committee considers all relevant information gathered during its review. You may choose to include that information in your personal statement.

3. Will you accept an electronic signature on the information release document?

No, electronic signatures will not be accepted.

4. Can I submit additional documents for my case other than the Disciplinary Action and Felony Disclosure Form, personal statement and release?

Students are welcome to submit supporting documents that would be helpful in the review of their case. Documents can be uploaded through our document uploader.

5. Can I provide updates or additions to the Disciplinary Action and Felony Disclosure Form after I've submitted it?

Students are welcome to provide updated or additional materials. Documents can be uploaded through our document uploader.

6. I have already been through the UCERC process and have reapplied or updated terms. Will I need to submit another Disciplinary Action and Felony Disclosure Form?

Students who reapply or update terms and 1) have no new information to disclose since they last completed the Disciplinary Action and Felony Disclosure Form, and 2) were cleared for enrollment after their UCERC review, will not need to complete the form again. Email ucerc@osu.edu to have these requirements removed from your Student Center.

Students who reapply or update terms and have new information to disclose will need to complete and submit another Disciplinary Action and Felony Disclosure Form for UCERC review.

7. Can I appeal the UCERC decision?

The decision of UCERC is final for the term for which the student is admitted. Students are welcome to update their application for another term or reapply.

8. Are there special accommodations for students who are unable to complete the Disciplinary Action and Felony Disclosure Form following the outlined instructions?

Students can email ucerc@osu.edu to request accommodations to complete the form.

9. What training do UCERC committee members receive?

The university is committed to ensuring that the UCERC review is informed by best practices, which include annual committee training on topics relevant to the mission of the committee.

If you answered yes in error…

Please contact ucerc@osu.edu and request that your Community Enrollment Question be reset.

About the policy

The Ohio State University strives to provide a safe living, learning and working environment for all members of the Ohio State community. As part of that effort, each admitted student is required to disclose prior or pending disciplinary actions and felony charges. The University Community Enrollment Review Committee (UCERC) performs a holistic, individualized review of all information provided by the student and information gathered by the committee to determine whether to permit enrollment. Answering yes to the Community Enrollment Question is not an automatic bar to enrollment.

Our commitment to applicants with a disciplinary or felony history:

  • Ohio State's admissions offices do not factor in disciplinary or criminal history as a consideration for determining admissibility.
  • Ohio State is committed to treating applicants with a disciplinary or criminal history fairly and with dignity and respect. We review all candidates for enrollment holistically and never automatically deny enrollment to those with a disciplinary or criminal history.